I'm just a college Student, I don't know anything!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Back to School.... sigh

Spring break is almost over and I feel like I need another week. I spent a lot of time catching up on housework. FUN! I guess that's how spring break goes when you are married and have a house to take care of. No crazy partying spring breaks for me anymore. I guess I don't really mind. I've already been-there-done-that. I got to spend some time with the family which is always nice. My niece spent the night Sunday. We had fun. I let her play dress up with some of my Halloween costumes. I took some cute pictures that I'll have to post if I can figure out how. We also built some forts out of a pile of pillows. I put Kaity in the center and built the pillows up around her so that she could jump up out of the center. We had a lot of fun. On Wednesday I went to her ballet/tap practice. All of the little girls where stomping on the floor with their tap shoes and flinging limbs about with reckless abandon. It was great! She looked like she was having a lot of fun. She wore her new blue leatard for me because she knows that it is my favorite color. After that we went to see a relative and her new baby girl in the hospital. She is a really pretty baby. It's so strange that we all start out so tiny.
Today I have been attempting to make myself get some homework done since I decided not to do anything until today. I told myself I'd work on my homework a little each day over spring break so that I could get it done without having to rush through it. I guess I decided not to because I feel like I am ALWAYS doing homework and I just needed a break. Now I'm having a hard time making myself sit down and do it. I don't want to go to school on Monday! :(


  • At 6:56 AM , Blogger Phoenix said...

    I like that picture! I hope you don't mind but I swiped it!


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