I'm just a college Student, I don't know anything!

Friday, December 09, 2005

I hate snow

Okay, so we got our first winter snow yesterday. All the little neighborhood kids are all excited because school was cancelled and they get to go out and play in it. I am not excited about it. I hate snow. I hate driving in it, I hate shoveling it, walking in it etc. I guess I do like to play in it with my niece and nephew though. If only it would fall on the side of the road and not ON the road. Then I wouldn't have such a problem with it.

I have one week left of school. I only have one final. Yeah, a lot of my friends are mad at me because they have five. All I have to say about that is. SUCKS TO BE YOU! He he. It is an American Chemical Society standardized chemistry test... so it should be lots of fun. NOT! Next semester I'm taking zoology, gen chem two, ethics, and another fun education class. I may not have it too bad now but once I run out of gen ed classes and get stuck taking a crap load of hard science classes I won't be the one laughing. Cell biology, genetics, micro biology, organic chem... that's still to come.


  • At 9:09 AM , Blogger Phoenix said...

    But just think of how interesting it would be! I always loved taking those classes (Challenges aside), because they are so fascinating... :)


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