I'm just a college Student, I don't know anything!

Monday, April 30, 2007


Sometimes I have a good run and sometimes, like today, I have a bad run. I got tired fast, and ran pretty slow. I hate days like this. Why can't every day be a Super Man running day where I feel like I can run forever? Oh well, such is life I guess.

I had my cell biology final today. It wasn't so bad. I'm sure I did well enough to get the grade that I was expecting. One down, one more to go.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ouch and stuff.

My back is stiff this morning. I'm not sure if it's because I've been running more or because I slept on it funny.

I ended up getting a 100% on my environmental conservation test. Imagine how well I could have done on the other two tests if I'd studied as much for them. I'm not sure how I did on my humanities test. I didn't study a whole lot for it. I think I only needed a fifty or something to keep an A in the class. My humanities prof is one of the few profs as USI who doesn't post our grades on line. So, I'd have to call him to find out how I did on our final. Next week is finals week. I have a cell biology final on Monday and an environmental conservation final on Tuesday. That's all I have this semester. The week after that I start my quantitative analysis course.

The quant prof is having an end-of-the-year party at his house today. It is supposed to be pretty fun. He lives on a farm in Illinois and has a zip line and other fun stuff. I can't decide if I should go or study for finals. I guess I'll just have to wait and see how much studying I get done before the party to decide whether I want to go.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Not So Bad After All

I just got back from a run around the neighborhood. I called my sister in law before I left to see if maybe she wanted to go and try out the new running stroller. She didn't answer so I figured that she was either at work or sleeping. The run started out with big fat cold rain falling on me and ended with nasty humidity crowding around me. I'd prefer the rain to the humidity. I'm trying to get back in to running four to five days a week again. Running that much just makes the fat fall off of my body. I can eat pretty much anything when I'm that active.

I got my cell biology test back yesterday. At first I wouldn't look at it because I was worried that I'd gotten a pretty crappy grade. My eyes started to water and I wanted to leave the classroom and hyperventilate. I made myself look at the test. I got a B. Ha ha, all of that worrying for nothing. I ended up getting partial credit on the essay question that I botched. I would have preferred to have gotten an A, but considering the major screw up, I can handle a B.

I had a test in my environmental conservation class today. I feel like I did pretty well on it. I actually studied quite a bit for it. I have one more test and then two finals.

I babysat my three month old niece yesterday after school. She has gotten so big in the past few weeks. Her face has matured and she is cooing and laughing and smiling now. I got her going pretty good a couple of times yesterday. I lay her on her back and sang to her and cooed to which she responded with a big gummy smile and cooing and laughing in return. I wish I had my camera with me.

Friday, April 20, 2007


So today I had a big cell biology test. I felt pretty good because I knew the answers to the short answer and essay questions. There were two questions where we had to diagram out certain processes and explain what was happening. Each response took up a full page. I had just finished diagramming and writing out the first of these questions when I realized that I had just diagrammed the wrong pathway. I knew how to diagram the correct pathway, but by he time I realized my error it was too late and I didn't have time to fix it. I wrote a note to my prof letting her know that I realized my mistake and scrambled to write as much of the correct pathway as possible on the back of the test. The question was worth a lot of points...needless to say I felt pretty shitty after taking the test. I was hopping for all As this semester... I don't think that's gonna happen now.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Funny Stuff

This is a Video of Will Ferrell getting chewed out by his "landlord" It's funny stuff.

And then some

I have a cell biology test this Friday. I've been studying for the past several hours and I feel like I still have a lot more studying to do before I will feel ready for this test. I think this will be our hardest test so far. It will cover cell communication and metabolism.
I have about two weeks left of school. I have to finish this week, have a full week of school next week, and then only have two days of school finals week. I lucked out and only have two finals. I was supposed to have to come in on Friday of finals week to submit my portfolio and final paper, but I won't have to do that now. My multiculteral education professor announced yesterday that he has an aortic aneurysm and had open heart surgery this morning. As a result, he will not be finishing out the semester and we no longer have to do our final projects.
I am excited about the semester coming to a close and only wish that I didn't have to take a summer course. I will be taking quantitative analysis first summer session and I have heard that the class is pretty rough. I just hope that I can make it through with a decent grade.
I am supposed to be trying to get in shape and shed a few pounds for my sister's wedding this summer, but so far that hasn't happened. I have been running, but not as much as I used to and I usually eat junk when I get stressed out which doesn't help. Maybe I can pull it together and still manage to lose at least a few pounds before the wedding. We'll see.

Friday, April 13, 2007

I can breaaaath!

I woke up this morning feeling much better than I have for the past couple of days. This was great since I had to give a presentation this morning. The room that I gave my presentation in was very small so it wasn't so intimidating. Also, quite a few people that I knew showed up to watch. Dr. Hardcastle came, Dr. Shaw came, Stephen, Emily, Rhianon, Ryan, and Katy all showed up. I felt more like I was talking to a group of friends than giving a presentation. I guess this is why I didn't feel that nervous. When I was done, I asked how I did and everyone told me that I did a really good job which made me feel pretty good.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Snot Factory

So I pretty much feel like a snot factory right now. My nose just won't stop running. Also, my right eye keeps watering. What's up with that?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sniff Sniff....

I am so tired of having to blow my nose every three seconds. My nose has been running almost non-stop since yesterday. At least my sore throat is pretty much gone. It has been replaced by a runny nose, watery eyes, and chest congestion. Yay! I have to give a presentation on Friday so I really hope that this clears up by then.

I ended up getting in to genetics after all. Now I just have to get in to the one other class that I need so that I can be full time. I will also start working for my cell/genetics professor next semester prepping the genetics lab. It should give me some good experience.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I'm going to graduate in 2050 at this rate!

I registered for classes today. I was only able to register for three. All of the rest of the classes I need are closed. Looks like I'll only be taking 6.5 credit hours next semester which will push back graduation.... wonderful.