I'm just a college Student, I don't know anything!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Busy Busy

Things here in CA have been crazy. The wedding went well, but had to start late because my Grammy turned the wrong way after exiting the freeway. She is notorious for doing things like that. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a lot of fun. Robin looked so gorgeous in her dress. She looked like a catalog bride.
Last night me and some family members went to the Brea Improv to see Norm McDonald from Saturday Night Live perform. He was dressed like a slob and sounded like he was completely wasted. I would have preferred a less well known comedian to a very drunk not very funny big name guy.
I spent the night at my little brother's house last night and made him breakfast this morning. I saw Chuck and Larry with my dad while my brother was at work. It was a pretty funny movie. When my brother got home we went and ate sushi for dinner then I went to his dodge ball tournament. Tomorrow I'm supposed to go to Down Town Disney with my mom and tomorrow evening my Uncle is having a get together. I've been running around like crazy since I got here. I'll be heading back to IN Thur night but won't arrive until early Fri morning. For now, I'm off to bed.


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