I'm just a college Student, I don't know anything!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Not So Bad After All

I just got back from a run around the neighborhood. I called my sister in law before I left to see if maybe she wanted to go and try out the new running stroller. She didn't answer so I figured that she was either at work or sleeping. The run started out with big fat cold rain falling on me and ended with nasty humidity crowding around me. I'd prefer the rain to the humidity. I'm trying to get back in to running four to five days a week again. Running that much just makes the fat fall off of my body. I can eat pretty much anything when I'm that active.

I got my cell biology test back yesterday. At first I wouldn't look at it because I was worried that I'd gotten a pretty crappy grade. My eyes started to water and I wanted to leave the classroom and hyperventilate. I made myself look at the test. I got a B. Ha ha, all of that worrying for nothing. I ended up getting partial credit on the essay question that I botched. I would have preferred to have gotten an A, but considering the major screw up, I can handle a B.

I had a test in my environmental conservation class today. I feel like I did pretty well on it. I actually studied quite a bit for it. I have one more test and then two finals.

I babysat my three month old niece yesterday after school. She has gotten so big in the past few weeks. Her face has matured and she is cooing and laughing and smiling now. I got her going pretty good a couple of times yesterday. I lay her on her back and sang to her and cooed to which she responded with a big gummy smile and cooing and laughing in return. I wish I had my camera with me.


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