I'm just a college Student, I don't know anything!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

and stuff...

It's about that time again...time for thousands of overly-excited and non-to-friendly Christmas shoppers who are more than willing to spend hours in line at the crack of dawn to trample over other eager shoppers just to get a "good deal" on Christmas gifts. This is the time that I AVOID shopping. I have never been one of these people who line up in front of Wal-Mart at 3:00 a.m. for their annual "I will trample you if you don't move fast enough" Christmas sale. I have a lot of my Christmas shopping done already.

I only have two days of classes next week and then I will be on Thanksgiving break. We will probably have Thanksgiving at Nathan and Emily's this year because of Emily being on bed rest. I bought Amelia some really cute stuff yesterday while shopping with my sister-in-law Angie. Angie picked them out. I got to pick out a couple of things for myself. I picked out a really awesome, very soft bathrobe and a really nice 5-piece luggage set that was on sale for a really decent price. I'm super excited about both of those. As much as I like to get stuff, I also enjoy getting stuff for other people. I went shopping yesterday with Angie and there was SO MUCH stuff that I wanted to buy for people. I think if I were rich I'd buy WAY too much for everyone. It is especially hard to stay away from the baby stuff. I just wanted to buy the whole baby section for my little niece Amelia who isn't even born yet!

I got my ecology test back Thursday. I got a B...looks like I won't have to re-take the class after all. I may end up with a C in the class, but at this point I don't relaly care. I just want to get it over with and move on.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Oh man!

The ecology test that I was blogging about last time was yesterday. I felt that I studied pretty well for it... that is until I got the test. All of the stuff that I worked so hard on to remember all of the details ended up being multiple choice questions and all of the stuff that I looked at but didn't learn details for were short answer questions. Yeah... not looking forward to getting this test back.

The prof for this class has a pregnant girlfriend who went in to labor today. The good thing about this is that our class for tomorrow has been canceled. The bad thing is I have NO idea when we will get our tests back now. I sorta want to know so that I can decide whether or not to drop the class.

I found out Monday that I am a senior. That's good because I get to register before everyone else. It doesn't really matter though because I still have two years left. I actually sat down and figured out what my schedule will look like (assuming that I don't have to retake any classes) for the next two years. I have already registered for next semester and went ahead and registered for ecology for next semester JUST in case I have to retake it. I'm glad I did because the class being taught by the prof I want is already full.

Other than that life has been pretty boring. I am going home for Christmas and look forward to that. My little sister and I will get to go dress shopping for my dress. I'm not sure if we will do any shopping for her dress. She may have already found one by then. I still can't believe that she's getting married. I'm still getting used to the fact that my little brother is married! It will be even worse when they start having kids. Someone really needs to invent a faster and cheaper mode of travel so that I can see my family more.

I'm hoping that I'll get to go Christmas shopping with the girls on Friday. "The girls" being my two sisters in law and my mother in law. I want to try to get as much of my Christmas shopping done as possible before all of the craziness begins.

Monday, November 06, 2006

How much is enough?

I have an ecology test tomorrow. I am kind of stressed out because I got a 71 on the first test and this will be our last test until the final. There is so much to know for this test that I feel like no matter how much I study I won't know enough. I studied for it almost all weekend and I still feel unprepared. I'm considering staying up late. I'm not sure how much or if that will help. I've never pulled an all-nighter and i'm not sure if this case would warrant and all-nighter. I guess I'll just keep on studying and go to bed when I can't concentrate anymore. Ah, the life of a college student!