I'm just a college Student, I don't know anything!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

First week of school

I've only had two days of school this week and I'm already stressed out. It looks like this semester will be very busy. I was at school today from 7:30 a.m. to 6:20 p.m. Long day. My prof for instructional technologies LOVES to give reading assignements. Not only does she require us to read but we are also required to post comments about our reading on a discussion board (three per week).There are guidelines for the comments, of course. We are also required to rate our classmate's comments. Holy shit... think you're giving us enough busy work prof? I think we need a little more to do! I think I'm just going to be doind a shit load of reading this semester.
To add to the stress I am responsible for prepping two biology classes. One of them is being taught by a super anal prof who is very detail oriented and makes a lot of work for me. The other class I will be prepping is completely new and they don't have a lab manual... basically I have to make sure that I get a list of stuff to prep from the prof ahead of time so that I can get it prepped in time for their lab. I'm sort of getting sick of this job. The problem is, I'm a hard worker and they know it so more is expected of me.


  • At 7:08 PM , Blogger 麒麟Kylin said...

    I'm going to my collage tomtrrow~!
    I'm so glad to come to your blog
    And welcome to my blog~!

    ^___________________^;.. ...

    A big big smile from a Chinese girl


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