I'm just a college Student, I don't know anything!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I'm so irritated. Tony and I just found out that some cars have been broken into around our neighborhood. I just read a message from one of the neighbors that was left in our mail box talking about things being stollen out of cars on our own street! I will be SO pissed if any of our stuff gets stollen. I seriously don't understand people who do shit like that. What makes them think they have the right to take other people's things? Things that we worked for.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Stress Induced

Do you know what it feels like when you try to take a pill without a drink? I have that feeling in my throat right now. It's been like that for the past couple of days. Tony seems to think that I have some kind of ulcer from acid reflux caused be stress. I'm not sure what it is, I just know that it feels weird and it's annoying. I just want it to go away. If it doesn't go away soon, I'm going to the doctor.

Monday, June 19, 2006


I don't understand why some people have to take a small missunderstanding and blow it out of proportion. I just found out yesterday that my brother's best man decided that he didn't want to be the best man anymore. My future sister-in-law apparetnly didn't invite his wife to the birdal shower. Instead of talking it out, which is what should have been done, it was dramatised to the point that my brother had to choose someone else to be his best man.
Other than that I'm just trying to make it through this week. I have my last lab tomorrow and then the real fun begins. I don't think I'll be all that sober on Friday after my class is over :)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Almost done

One week left of organic chemistry! Thank God. I am SO ready for this class to be over. I got an 80 on our most recent test. The only reason I got an 80 was because the teacher had a ten point bonus question. I have one more on-line homework assignement left, one lab, and three tests. We have one more lecture test, a lab final, and an ACS (American Chemical Society) cumulative final. I think I may have to drink a little on Friday to celebrate getting my life back.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Two and a half more weeks...

I have two and a half more weeks of my organic chem class. I'm SO happy we're almost done. It wasn't so bad at first. It's gotten a lot harder since we've started doing the reactions. The individual reactions aren't that bad. It's knowing which mechanism to use for which reaction and remembering all of the rules that go along with them that is the hard part. I just hope I get through it with a decent grade.

Friday, June 02, 2006


Tony's family had a birthday party for me today. I didn't know anything about it until we got to his parent's house. Also, I GOT A LAP TOP! I'm super excited. I've been wanting one for school for a while. Thanks Honey!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Uh oh

So, I have another organic chem test tomorrow. I'm pretty sure it's gonna kick my @$$. We are learning about isomers right now. Those of you who have had organic chem are probably cringing right now... yeah, they pretty much suck. I heard that the next chapter is even worse... greaaaat. I'll get through it somehow.

Here's to anyone who never quit when things got hard
You'll never let them say, you'll never get that far...