Well, my sister graduated from college yesterday. She wasn't going to walk in the ceremony but then changed her mind. That's the second graduation I missed. I missed my brother Ryan's as well. He did the same thing, said he wasn't going to walk, then he did. I'm very proud of both of them. Despite some of the strange and chellenging things that have happend to us growing up we came out allright. Congrats Robin! I'll be there some day :)
Organic chem test 1
We had our first organic chem test on Friday. It wasn't that bad. We got them back today. I got an 88.5. I guess I'm happy with that. I was frustrated with myself when I looked over the answers. I made some stupid mistakes... but that's not what really upset me. There were two multiple choice questions that I skipped and forgot to go back and answer. If I had gotten either of them right I would have gotten an A. DAMMIT! I was told that this is the easiest test of the course so to try and kick butt on it. All I can say is four and a half more weeks! :)
Frustration and Stress
So this morning I was supposed to meet up with a study group at Barnes and Noble around 9 a.m. I got there a little after nine and looked around the store to see if anyone had gotten there yet. I didn't see anyone so I headed upstairs and just started studying. I stayed for about an hour, getting up to look around the store twice to locate any errant study group members. I didn't see anyone, so I went home. I was so pissed, I hate being flaked on. When I get home there is a message on my machine. It is someone from the study group calling to ask where I am. I'm thinkin, "Where the hell were you?" She calls back a little while later and I find out that they were sitting over by the coffee place the whole time. So I'm a bit frustrated. I'm wondering why they didn't see me walk in when I got there, walk by when I was looking for them, or walk out when I left. I'm also wondering why noone got up to see if I had already come in and just didn't see them.
We have our first test tomorrow and I'm freaking out because I think it's gonna be harder than I originally expected based on the practice test and homework. This is supposed to be the easiest test of this course too. I don't know what I've gotten myself into. I will be VERY glad when this class is over and I can relax a bit.
Organic Chemistry
So I'm working on some on-line organic chem homework. I didn't think it would be too bad since I've understood everything we've gone over in class pretty well so far. Yeah... it's harder than I expected, pretty much kicking my butt. There are thirty problems and I've only gotten like uh... seven done. Nice!
Grades from last semester were posted today. I was really nervous about looking at them because I was borderline in two classes. I was borderline A/B in zoology, and borderline B/C in chemistry. I logged on and looked at my grades and found out that I ended up with three As and one B. This was my first B... but I can live with it, especially because it was in a hard class. I am SO relieved! Now I just have to get through my summer Organic chem class in one piece! :)