I'm just a college Student, I don't know anything!

Saturday, April 29, 2006


I will be spending a majority of my weekend studying for my finals. I only have two but they are both in my hard classes, and both on the same day, Monday. I also found out yesterday that my chem final is not just semester cumulative but YEAR cumulative which means that I'll be tested over gen chem I and gen chem II stuff. YAY, as if I don't already have a ton to study. I planned on starting my finals study over this last week. That didnt' work out so well since I had several tests and a presentation last week. So basically I'm cramming. We'll see how that turns out.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

A birthday

Yesterday I took my friend out for her nineteenth birthday. In her birthday card I wrote, "Happy birthday old lady.. oh wait, that's me!" Some of my friends at school make me feel so old. We went out to lunch then headed over to the mall. I had her pick out something for her birthday. She picked out a Nickelback CD. I'm not a huge fan.. but it wasn't for me. After that we went to a department store and tried on some formal dresses for the fun of it and took pictures. Overall I'd say it was pretty fun.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Science Dork

Last night I got to eat dinner with Dr. Campbell. He is the co-creator of Dolly the cloned sheep. He is a very friendly and funny guy. Contrary to what the news reported Dolly did not die prematurely due to "Old DNA." She died of a lung disease common to sheep and passed on in their water supply. I also found out that she was named Dolly because she was cloned from a mamory cell and Dolly Parton has plenty of those ;)

Saturday, April 01, 2006


So, Friday was an interesting day. I think I bombed my chem test. I hope not... but I just have a bad feeling. Also I ended up staying at school until 9:00 p.m. to work on a group zoology research project. There is a guy in my group who can be VERY irritating. He took a plastic lid from one of our respirometers and scraped it across the table making a very loud screeching sound. The rest of us said, "AH! what are you doing?" a few minutes later he got up and scraped them across the chalkboard. He and I got in to an argument about it and he walked off in a huff. Say it with me, ASS-HOLE! Yeah... this is the kind of shit I have to deal with sometimes. There are also several members of the group that have done ZERO work and never show up. So pretty much if we get an A for busting our tails, they get an A for doing zip. I hate group projects!