More news
Well, today is Halloween. I actually dressed up at school. Nothing too crazy though. I just wore my husband's flight suit. Some people didn't know it was a costume. I dressed up again this evening to go trick-or-treating with my niece. She was so cute in her little Snow White costume. I think she was a little scared of my vampire costume. Gabriel wasn't. He was dressed as a dinasour. I can't believe how fast both of them are growing! '
I found out the other day that Tony, my husband, won't be coming home for Thanksgiving like I thought he would be. Apparentely he has Thanksgiving off but not that Friday. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I guess that's the way life is sometimes. I guess I won't get to see him until around Dec 22 when he gets done. :(
Where's the heat?
I forgot to mention this earlier... but the heater in my house hasn't been working. It wasn't a problem until recently when the temperature outside started getting colder. Yesterday it got down to 59! It wasn't freezing, but it was pretty cold. My father-in-law came over and fixed it for me. YAY! He determined that I needed a new thermostat. The cool thing was, my brother-in-law Nathan happened to have an extra one and he only lives five minutes away from me. Even though our family has it's petty squables I still feel that we are good about coming together to help each other out when one of us is in need.
Drop it like it's hot
Okay, I still haven't dropped the calculus class that I DON'T NEED. I just feel like I'm giving up and being lazy. I have the drop slip filled out and signed, now I just have to talk myself in to turning it in.
I've been eating like crap lately. My husband isn't here so I don't ever feel like making a decent meal. Today I ate at Wendy's for lunch, then had a microwave burrito for dinner. Good stuff. NOT! This is gonna kill me. I've been feeling so lethargic lately. I need to stop eating this crap and find something good to eat.
I know my calculus...
Today, I got some good news, and some bad news. I took a calculs test on Friday last week. I was very worried that I totally bombed it and would have to drop and re-take the class. I found out today that I got a C. I was talking to a classmate about it in the biology department building when the department chair heard me talking about it. He said, "You don't even need to take calculus." So... I'm halfway through the semester with a high C in the class, I've already payed for the class, and bought the book and student solutions manual. Now I'm trying to figure out if I should just finish the class and hope that I get a decent enough grade that it doesn't totally scew up my GPA... or I can drop it and spend more time on the classes that I actually need. I haven't decided yet.
Also, the heater in my house is not working and it is now 59 degrees! It's not freezing but it's pretty chilly. I didn't want to get out of bed this morning because it was so cold. My father-in-law is on his way over to fix it right now. I hope it's not a big deal to fix. I want some heat in here!
Sweet dreams
Today, when I got home from school I fell asleep on the recliner. I had a dream that my husband came home and I woke up and realised that he wasn't here and remembered where he was. It made me sad, but I tried to distract myself so that I wouldn't think about it. It's a good thing I'm in school right now. When I'm not at home I don't think about the fact that he will be gone until mid to late December.
I had a botany lab test today. I feel pretty good about it. I felt like I knew most of the material. If only I felt that good about my calc test coming up this Friday. My math class makes me feel like I'm retarded. To make matters worse I have class with a bunch of 18-19 year old freshman who already took this class in high school. They already know most of it and act like it's SO easy. I hope that I do decently on this test. I REALLY don't want to have to drop it and re-take it. All I need is a C!
One day at a time...
Well, It's Tuesday. I made it through two days without my husband. He left Sunday. I had a very hard time saying goodbye. He will be gone for ten weeks. I am glad that he got this new job, but I'm not happy about him leaving for ten weeks. He said that he gets to come home for Thanksgiving so I'm looking forward to that. In the mean time I am just trying to keep myself busy with other things to that I don't think about it. The day he left I just couldn't stop crying. Yesterday was still pretty rough. I am doing better today. I got some good news that made me feel better. I got my chem test back today. I got a 93 on it! I also got my assignement for the observations that I have to do for me education course. I was worried that the'd stick me in an elementary school. Not only did I get assigned to a high school biology class, I got assigned to a school in my city that is only about ten minutes from my house. Also my academic advisor knows him and says that he is a good guy. YAY!